Ethics in Sport
BC Racquetball strives to make ethical decisions and to behave in a manner that reflects its values. There is an expectation, at all times, of appropriate behaviour consistent with BC Racquetball’s core values.
Ethics in sport is a major component of the Safe Sport and the Responsible Coaching Movement. Ethics training prepares those involved in sport to effectively handle situations that arise from ethical dilemmas or even legal challenges that concern individuals, teams, and their sports organizations.
Ethics Training
Safe Sport & Rule of Two Training
Creating a culture where everyone can thrive is a shared responsibility. Racquetball BC encourages all those involved in racquetball to complete both these free training modules offered by the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) including coaches, sport leaders, officials and parents;
- the CAC’s Safe Sport Training (one hour) which helps anyone involved in sport, whether they have direct contact with athletes or work in the background — to promote physical, psychological, social and spiritual health.
- the CAC’s Understanding the Rule of Two eLearning module (20 minutes) which outlines how to increase the safety and security of sport participants while protecting all those involved.
The Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport calls for all sporting environments to be free from physical, sexual and psychological abuse. The Safe Sport Training and Understanding the Rule of Two modules both align with those values. They equip coaches, administrators and others to make decisions that promote athletes’ physical and mental wellbeing and empowers sporting organizations to foster a culture that contributes to athlete success.
Click here for complete information and access to CAC’s online learning portal, The Locker.
Commit to Kids Training
Commit to Kids (C2K) is a Canadian Centre for Child Protection program that helps organizations ensure safe environments for kids in their care. C2K leader training gives organizations the tools to create policies and codes of conduct that reduce the risk of maltreatment. All Racquetball BC board members and staff complete the Commit to Kids training.
Commit to Kids offers a variety of online training program and resources for resource for coaches, officials, sport leaders, volunteers and parents to keep kids safe in sport. Click here to visit their site and to see the menu of programs they offer.
Those completing the Commit to Kids for Coaches training will receive NCCP professional development points.
NCCP Make Ethical Decisions Training
By successfully completing the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions (MED) training, coaches will be fully equipped to handle ethical situations with confidence and surety. NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training helps coaches identify the legal, ethical, and moral implications of difficult situations that present themselves in the world of team and individual sport.
To participate in an NCCP Make Ethical Decisions module, please visit the coaching section on the ViaSport website. In addition to in-class courses, some provinces and territories offer the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions module through distance, on-line or home study. Your representative will be able to provide you with more information.

After you have taken the module, you can access the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions online evaluation free through The Locker. Successful completion of the evaluation is necessary for coach certification in any NCCP program.
Respect in Sport Training
The Respect Group and their Respect in Sport programs have already been implemented by many national and provincial sport organizations across Canada and have RESPECT Certified over 1.5 million Canadians to date. These training courses currently meet the Sport Canada training requirements under the Safe Sport mandate.
Together with Racquetball Canada, The Respect Group has created online portals for all member organizations to access the Respect in Sport programs. This training is available to anyone who wishes to participate. If you are interested in completing any of the Respect in Sport programs contact Racquetball Canada.
Respect in Sport Activity Leader Program
The Respect in Sport Activity Leader Program educates sport leaders, coaches, officials and participants (14 years and up) to recognize, understand and respond to issues of bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination (BAHD). The Respect in Sport program applies to leaders of youth in virtually any activity. The program is delivered through an interactive, online home-study program that is accessible on computers and mobile devices.
All national team coaches, national staff and the Racquetball Canada Board of Directors are expected to complete this training. Other members who would like to access the training can do so through Racquetball Canada.
Click here for more information from the Respect Group about the Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders Program.
Respect in Sport for the Workplace Training
Respect in Sport for the Workplace Training was developed to provide organizations with a standard, cost-effective tool to empower your team members, staff and board members with the skills to prevent bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination (BAHD). It is about improving culture, first and foremost. The secondary benefit is organizational risk and liability management.
Those who would like to access the training can do so through Racquetball Canada.
Other Information about Respect in Sport Programs
If you have taken any Respect in Sport training through another sport organization, be sure to update your profile to designate racquetball as one of your associations.
Coaches can gain NCCP professional development credits by completing the Respect in Sport course. Those wishing to do this can have the course completion recorded on their Locker transcript through a simple opt-in process at the beginning of the training.
The Respect in Sport Activity Leader training has been approved and certified by Respect Education, an educational offering of the Canadian Red Cross. This training is endorsed by institutions such as Sport Manitoba, the Government of New Brunswick, SaskSport, Viasport, Coaching Association of Canada, Canadian Olympic Committee, AthletesCAN.
True Sport
Changing the landscape of sport from the ground up, True Sport is a series of programs and initiatives designed to give people, communities and organizations the means by which to leverage the many benefits of good sport from a platform of shared values and principles. True Sport is dedicated to the notion that good sport can make a great difference. Racquetball Canada has aligned it’s values with the the True Sport Principles and encourages provincial associations and clubs to do the same.
The True Sport website provides in-depth resources to help embrace ethics in sport from tip sheets, calendars and activity sheets.
Sports Information Resource Centre (SIRC)
The Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC), is Canada’s leader and most trusted partner in advancing sport and physical activity through knowledge and evidence. SIRC’s website provides an excellent collection of blogs and articles from Canada’s most respected sport experts and organizations. Just type “Ethics” into the search bar to access the many resources compiled by SIRC.